2010-11-02 |
DOC DAY: 2010 Taiwan International Documentary Festival Award Winning Films
地點:國賓影城@長春廣場 4廳
日期 | 地點 | 時間 | 中文片名 | 英文片名 | 片長 |
11/06(六) | 長春4廳 | 11:00 | 亞洲獎-逐夢兩樣情 | Passion | 83 |
11/06(六) | 長春4廳 | 13:00 | 短片首獎及優等獎-逝代殘影 + 神豬 | Countryside 35x45 + Divine Pig | 97 |
11/06(六) | 長春4廳 | 17:30 | 首獎-漫步音樂園 | In The Garden of Sounds | 85 |
11/06(六) | 長春4廳 | 19:30 | 最佳觀眾票選獎-攝吧!我的愛 | I Shot My Love | 70 |
★ 2010台灣國際紀錄片雙年展國際長片競賽首獎
2010 TIDF International Feature Length Competition Grand Prize
《漫步音樂園》In The Garden of Sounds
瑞士 Switzerland / 2010 / 尼可拉.貝魯奇 Nicola Bellucci / DigiBeta / Colour / 85 min
視盲音樂家沃夫岡法瑟在逐漸喪失視力的時候,意外發現了聲音的獨特世界,他走訪鄉間與山林收集各種「聲音」,這些錄音像是明信片,透過聲音他記得所走訪的 每個地方。現在,他希望藉此和身心障礙的孩子建立起溝通管道,幫助他們增進自己的表達能力。本片以詩意的風格和嶄新的視角,探索著心靈、聲音、記憶與身體 之間的奧妙關係。
A touching, poetic exploration of the relationship between mind, body and sound, and a cinematic journey to the borders of communication. The extraordinary story of Wolfgang Fasser, a blind musician who helps severely disabled children to find their place in the world. Through the use of all kinds of sound, Fasser establishes a method that dramatically improves their abilities of expression and perception.
★ 2010台灣國際紀錄片雙年展國際短片競賽首獎
2010 TIDF International Short Film Competition Grand Prize
《逝代殘影》Countryside 35x45
俄羅斯 Russia / 2009 / 埃傑尼.索羅明 Evgeny Solomin /DigiBeta / B&W / 43 min
政權轉換了,所以住在西伯利亞偏遠地區的每位居民,都需要一張新的大頭照,以便將舊護照替換成新的。一位地方攝影師來回於鄉鎮之間,年長的大叔大嬸不情願 地接受拍照。在臨時搭設的攝影白布景前,每張照片都概括這些鄉村居民的生命歷程,透過沉靜觀察的紀錄,詩意地呈現居住在鄉間人民的生命基調與人生觀。
In Russia a provincial photographer travels from one Siberian village to another taking 35x45mm passport photos of the villagers. Each client’s photo in a way summarizes that person’s life. Making a profound observation of the countryside life, the film unfolds as a poetic story about the people living at the crossroads of the two juxtaposed cultures: the old Soviet and the modern Russian ones.
★ 2010台灣國際紀錄片雙年展國際短片競賽優等獎
2010 TIDF International Short Film Competition Merit Prize
《神豬》Divine Pig
荷蘭 Netherlands / 2010 / 漢斯.多曼 Hans Dortmans / DigiBeta / Colour / 54 min
快2 歲大的多洛斯是頭聰明健康的豬,常隨主人外出散步,讓地方居民嘖嘖稱奇,深受小孩喜愛。但多洛斯的主人是位屠夫,靠賣豬肉維生,與多洛斯深厚的感情讓主人 陷入兩難,健康的豬同時意味著肉脂鮮美可口?還是該送牠到可以終老一生的小豬天堂樂園呢?影片以幽默動人的節奏,透過多元的角度來觀看豬的命運。
As Dorus matures into his second year his owner has to decide whether the love for the pig runs deeper than the love for its meat. Despite its worldwide popularity, many find the pig unclean. Divine Pig takes a closer look at this most controversial animal, challenging our feelings about the pig and Dorus’ fate.
★ 2010台灣國際紀錄片雙年展亞洲獎首獎
2010 TIDF Asia Vision Award Grand Prize
蒙古 Mongolia / 2010 / 邊姆巴.薩克亞 Byamba Sakhya / DigiBeta / Colour / 83 min
蒙古最知名的電影導演吉基德在政治檢查最嚴厲的年代裡從事創作,因而被迫做出許多妥協。吉基德的兒子賓德享有父親無法企及的創作自由,但也面對新的挑戰—他要在市場導向的社會裡求生存,就只能拍攝超低成本的商業電影,祈求他的創意不要被迫打太大的折扣。本片以一對父子兩個世代的電影導演為例,讓我們看到社 會的變革對創作者造成的衝擊。
Being the most celebrated and honored film director in Mongolia, Jigjid could not realize his true talent under the political sensor. Meanwhile, his son Binder’s future is marked by freedom and inspiration. To survive in the market-driven society he is producing extremely low-budget commercial movies, while dreaming about magnificent creations.
★ 2010 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展最佳觀眾票選獎
2010 TIDFAudience Choice Award
《攝吧!我的愛》I Shot My Love
德國,以色列 Germany,Israel / 2010 / 托默.賀曼 Tomer Heymann / DigiBeta / Colour / 70 min
Seventy years after his grandfather escapes from Nazi Germany to Palestine, the director returns to the country of his ancestors to present his film at the Berlin International Film Festival, and there meets a man who will change his life. This film tells a personal but universal love story and follows the triangular relationship between Tomer, his German boyfriend, and his intensely Israeli mother.