2023 亞洲電影促進聯盟奈派克獎
2023-10-25 |
奈派克,全名為「亞洲電影促進聯盟」(NETPAC, Network for Promotion of Asian Cinema),成立於一九九○年,為一推廣亞洲電影的國際組織,目前與超過三十個以上的國際影展合作,在影展中設立最佳亞洲電影奈派克獎。二○○七年起,為鼓勵亞洲新銳導演,金馬影展增設奈派克獎,舉凡當屆入選的亞洲新銳導演之長片作品,皆有機會入圍並角逐首獎。
Network for Promotion of Asian Cinema (NETPAC) is an international organization established in 1990 to promote Asian cinema. It has collaborated with over thirty international film festivals to present NETPAC Award in recognition of best Asian film. Starting from 2007, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival has added NETPAC Award to encourage emerging Asian director; selected feature films by Asian new talent are eligible for this award.
2023奈派克獎入選影片 SELECTED ENTRY:
▎《年少日記》(Time Still Turns the Pages)
▎《大山來了》(The Mountain Is Coming)
▎《海濱小戀曲》(Solids by the Seashore)
2023奈派克獎評審 Jury:
曾任韓國全州影展選片人,並於2001至2012年間籌辦全州創投市場(Jeonju Project Market)。自2013年起,趙志訓身兼韓國茂朱山谷影展副總監暨選片人、韓國紀錄片電子雜誌〈DOCKING〉編輯、EBS國際紀錄片影展初選評審,以及韓國DMZ Doc紀錄片影展執行委員。其他工作經歷尚有華沙影展資深選片顧問、仁川國際紀錄片提案大會草創團隊成員等,影展評審經驗豐富。近期製片作品《Vestige》入選2020年釜山影展。
Ji-hoon JO
Ji-hoon Jo worked as a programmer for Jeonju IFF and spearheaded the Jeonju Project Market from 2001 to 2012. Since 2013, he has been serving as the Vice Festival Director and Programmer at the Muju Film Festival. Additionally, he is an editor for the Korean Documentary webzine DOCKING, a pre-selection jury member for EBS International DOCS, and an executive committee member for DMZ Docs. He also served as Senior Programme Advisor at the Warsaw Film Festival and was a founding member and producer at Docs Port Incheon. Vestige, the Korean feature Jo recently produced, was selected for Busan IFF 2020.
1989年生於瑞士洛桑,洛桑大學電影研究碩士。曾入選柏林影展媒體新銳營(Talent Press),電影相關文章散見於ScreenAnarchy、Film Exposure等媒體。2016年出版共同著作〈Rex, Roxy, Royal〉,細數瑞士電影院歷史。韋路爾曾任盧卡諾影展影評人週、瑞士紐沙特奇幻影展選片人,並於2022年起擔任瑞士電影資料館節目策畫。
Born in 1989 in Lausanne, Switzerland, Loïc Valceschini earned a master's degree in film studies from the Université de Lausanne. He is an alumnus at the Talent Press of the Berlinale and writes film-related articles for various outlets like ScreenAnarchy and Film Exposure. In 2016, he co-authored Rex, Roxy, Royal, a book on Swiss cinema theaters. Loïc has been working at various festivals, serving as a programmer, notably for the Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival and the Critics’ Week of the Locarno Film Festival. In 2022, he joined the Cinémathèque suisse (Swiss film archive) as a programmer.
文字工作者、電影研究者、策展人。畢業於紐約哥倫比亞大學電影研究所,自2014年起參與影像策展及相關研究。曾任VAEFF紐約錄像與實驗片影展助理策展人兼研究執行長、台灣國際女性影展選片人(2017-),現為台灣國際女性影展策展人。近年多關注擴延電影、錄像藝術、女性影人脈絡、性別議題及經常溢出影史討論或位處多重邊緣的影史探詢,文章散見於《Film Comment》、《Fa電影欣賞》、《放映週報》、《BIOS monthly》等雜誌與平台。
Huei-Yin Chen
Huei-Yin Chen graduated with an M.A. in Film Studies from Columbia University. She worked as an Assistant Curator at the Video Art & Experimental Film Festival in NYC and has been a Programmer at the Women Make Waves International Film Festival in Taiwan since 2017. Chen currently serves as the Curator of Women Make Waves IFF and works as a freelance writer.