2023 Golden Horse Classic Film Festival Presents 43 Works by Krzysztof Kieślowski
The Double Life of Veronique & Three Colors Trilogy in 4K Digital Restored Premiered in Taiwan

波蘭電影大師 克里斯多夫奇士勞斯基


The Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival Executive Committee and Taichung Film Development Foundation collectively present the 2023 Golden Horse Classic Film Festival: Retrospective: Krzysztof Kieślowski, a thorough retrospective dedicated to the late maestro with 43 of his works spanning from fiction feature, documentary, short films to the rarely-seen TV dramas, in addition to the documentary Still Alive: A Film About Krzysztof Kieślowski. The festival will be in Taipei and Taichung this July and August. It marks the largest in scale and the most integrated presentation ever to Kieślowski in Taiwan. The much beloved The Double Life of Véronique and the Three Colors Trilogy will also be screened in the latest 4K digital restored version for the first time in Taiwan.


2023金馬經典影展首度引進《藍色情挑》最新4K數位修復版本 2023金馬經典影展首度引進《白色情迷》最新4K數位修復版本 2023金馬經典影展首度引進《紅色情深》最新4K數位修復版本


The retrospective traces back to Kieślowski’s early works in the 60s, revealing signs of his latter works and demonstrating his incomparable talents as a filmmaker. For the 70s, there are TV movie Personnel, resonating his brief career in theater, his debut feature The Scar, and aboundful documentaries. With varied formats and contents, not only does he challenge the aesthetics of documentary, he also collides with the existing system. Some of the works were therefore banned for some time, but years after in the present time, they speak even more loudly and still make sense.


《十誡》以聖經誡律側寫現代人生的繁複精湛 奇士勞斯從《十誡》延伸出的長片《愛情影片》震撼國際影壇.jpg 《殺人影片》勇奪坎城影展評審團獎、影評人費比西獎


After Camera Buff won the Golden Prize in Moscow International Film Festival, Kieślowski became the Polish cinema's flag bearer. The fresh and innovative setting of Blind Chance has inspired many great works followed up; No End is widely considered as the prototype for many of his own masterpieces; TV series Dekalog masterfully interprets the Ten Commandments with contemporary dilemmas, and the derivative A Short Film About Love and A Short Film About Killing earn him the international recognitions. The following The Double Life of Veronique and Three Colors Trilogy pushed his reputation to the peak.


《電影狂》 《機遇之歌》 奇士勞斯基的《不絕之路》被視為他一系列名作的原型


In curating this retrospective, the Golden Horse manages to acquire the rarely-seen four TV dramas – Checking the King, Culling, Two for the Seesaw and The Card Index. And the documentary Still Alive: A Film About Krzysztof Kieslowski delivers some other rare aspects of Kieślowski, featuring filmmakers like Juliette Binoche, Irène Jacob and Wim Wenders.


2023 Golden Horse Classic Film Festival: Retrospective: Krzysztof Kieślowski will be in Taipei between July 21st and August 10th; Cinephile Package (Taipei) will be on sale at 13:00, June 13th, and tickets on sale from July 11th. The screenings in Taichung will be from August 2nd to August 13th; Cinephile Package (Taichung) on sale at 13:00, July 4th, and tickets on sale from July 25th. For more info and latest updates, please check the official website and follow the Facebook Fan page, Instagram, or download the Golden Horse APP.




2023 Golden Horse Classic Film Festival: Retrospective: Krzysztof KieślowskiLine-up

《紅色情深》(Three Colors: Red, 1994

《白色情迷》(Three Colors: White, 1994

《藍色情挑》(Three Colors: Blue, 1993

《雙面薇若妮卡》(The Double Life of Veronique, 1991

《十誡》(Dekalog, 1989

《愛情影片》(A Short Film About Love, 1988

《殺人影片》(A Short Film About Killing, 1988

《不絕之路》(No End, 1985

《短暫的工作日》(A Short Working Day, 19811995

《機遇之歌》(Blind Chance, 19811987

《火車站》(Station, 1980

《談話頭》(Talking Heads, 1980

《電影狂》(Camera Buff, 1979

《房間裡的人:往日重現》(The Card Index, 1979

《七個不同年齡的女子》(Seven Women of Different Ages, 1979

《守夜者的觀點》(From a Night Porter's Point of View, 1979

《我不知道》(I Don't Know, 1977

《醫院》(Hospital, 1977

《寧靜》(Peace and Quiet, 19761980

《傷痕》(The Scar, 1976

《擺盪的愛情》(Two for the Seesaw, 1976

《打板》(Slate, 1976

《傳奇》(The Legend, 1975

《職員》(Personnel, 1975

《身家調查》(Curriculum Vitae, 1975

《初戀》(The First Love, 1974

《人行地下道》(Underpass, 1974

X光》(X-Ray, 1974

《砌磚匠》(Bricklayer, 1973

《弗羅茨瓦夫和綠山城之間》(Between Wroclaw and Zielona Gora, 1972

《銅礦廠安全與衛生原則》(The Principles of Safety and Hygiene in a Copper Mine, 1972

《狩獵許可》(Culling, 1972

《迴旋曲》(Refrain, 1972

71年的工人們》(Workers 1971: Nothing About Us Without Us, 1972

《棋逢敵手》(Checking the King, 1972

《我曾是個士兵》(I Was a Soldier, 1971

《工廠》(Factory, 1971

《賽車前》(Before the Rally, 1971

《洛茲小城》(From the City of Lodz, 1969

《照片》(The Photograph, 1968

《各種要求》(Concert of Requests, 1967

《辦公室》(The Office, 1966

《電車》(The Tram, 1966



《記得奇士勞斯基》(Still Alive: A Film About Krzysztof Kieslowski, 2006