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2022-10-30 |
奈派克,全名為「亞洲電影促進聯盟」(NETPAC, Network for Promotion of Asian Cinema),成立於一九九○年,為一推廣亞洲電影的國際組織,目前與超過三十個以上的國際影展合作,在影展中設立最佳亞洲電影奈派克獎。二○○七年起,為鼓勵亞洲新銳導演,金馬影展增設奈派克獎,舉凡當屆入選的亞洲新銳導演之長片作品,皆有機會入圍並角逐首獎。
Network for Promotion of Asian Cinema (NETPAC) is an international organization established in 1990 to promote Asian cinema. It has collaborated with over thirty international film festivals to present NETPAC Award in recognition of best Asian film. Starting from 2007, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival has added NETPAC Award to encourage emerging Asian director; selected feature films by Asian new talent are eligible for this award.
2022奈派克獎入選影片 SELECTED ENTRY:
▍《白日青春》(The Sunny Side of the Street)
▍《海鷗來過的房間》(Kissing the Ground You Walked On)
▍《阿諾是個模範生》(Arnold Is A Model Student)
2022奈派克獎評審 Jury:
香港電影文化工作者,曾任香港電影資料館節目策劃、〈香港電影〉雜誌助理總編輯、〈電影雙周刊〉編輯。多年來參與策劃、統籌、編輯、宣傳等電影相關工作,曾策劃香港「Festival de Cannes Film Week 」和多個大型電影主題展覽及放映節目。編輯電影專書包括〈林嶺東:嶺上起風雲〉及〈許鞍華—電影四十〉等。現任香港電影評論學會副會長。
Cecilia Wong Lai-ming
Cecilia Wong Lai-ming is a film critic and currently the vice president of the Hong Kong Film Critics Society. She has served as Programmer at the Hong Kong Film Archive and Assistant Chief Editor of HK Film. Experienced in curating, programme coordination and promotion for film programmes, she has curated several thematic exhibitions on film arts and is the editor of books about directors Ringo Lam and Ann Hui.
Singing Chen
Singing Chen is a film director. Her work encompasses fiction, documentary and VR films and has received numerous festival accolades. Her debut Bundled (2000) competed at Vancouver and God, Man, Dog (2007) screened at Berlinale. Her documentaries detail artistic practice and the environment. Through VR technology she explores space and movement. Her latest VR experience The Man Who Couldn't Leave (2022) won Venice Immersive Best Experience at 79th Venice International Film Festival.
影評人、自由寫作。臺灣大學戲劇研究所碩士。自2002年起擔任另類文化刊物〈破週報〉影評,並在〈電影欣賞〉、〈放映週報〉、〈關鍵評論〉等報章雜誌撰寫評論。亦從事翻譯工作,譯有〈猜火車〉、〈猜火車2:春宮電影〉、大衞林區自傳〈在夢中〉等書。 現任台灣影評人協會會長。
Tan Tang-mo
Film critic. A graduate of the Department of Drama and Theatre, National Taiwan University, he produced and starred in many theatre and short film productions during the 1980s. In 2002, he began working as a film critic for Pots Weekly magazine and literary and arts critic for other publications, as well as a translator for English novels such as Trainspotting, Porno and Room to Dream. He is currently the President of Taiwan Film Critics Society.