
奈派克,全名為「亞洲電影促進聯盟」(NETPAC, Network for Promotion of Asian Cinema),成立於一九九○年,為一推廣亞洲電影的國際組織,目前與超過三十個以上的國際影展合作,在影展中設立最佳亞洲電影奈派克獎。二○○七年起,為鼓勵亞洲新銳導演,金馬影展增設奈派克獎,舉凡當屆入選的亞洲新銳導演之長片作品,皆有機會入圍並角逐首獎。


Network for Promotion of Asian Cinema (NETPAC) is an international organization established in 1990 to promote Asian cinema. It has collaborated with over thirty international film festivals to present NETPAC Award in recognition of best Asian film. Starting from 2007, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival has added NETPAC Award to encourage emerging Asian director; selected feature films by Asian new talent are eligible for this award.




本屆奈派克獎入選影片包括 SELECTED ENTRY

《天晴有時》Whether the Weather Is Fine

少年May You Stay Forever Young

幻日手記Far Away Eyes

光陰解剖學Anatomy of Time


金邊白樓青春夢White Building

美國女孩American Girl






本屆奈派克評審 Jury:


Hung Hung is a Taiwanese poet, theater and opera director, and filmmaker. He has won the Golden Horse Award for Best Original Screenplay, the FIPRESCI Award at the Chicago International Film Festival, and Best Director at the Festival des 3 Continents in Nantes.


Lo Pecha is the festival director of WMWIFF and the secretary-general of Taiwan Women’s Film Association. She has attended several international film festivals as a member of the selection committees and juries, such as the Teddy Award at the Berlinale and Dortmund / Cologne International Women's Film Festival.


Wong Chi Fai is a Hong Kong based visual artist and film critic. He is a member of the Hong Kong Film Critics Society and editor-in-chief of Hong Kong Films 2014 and Hong Kong Films 2015.