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2019-10-22 |
奈派克,全名為「亞洲電影促進聯盟」(NETPAC, Network for Promotion of Asian Cinema),成立於一九九○年,為一推廣亞洲電影的國際組織,目前與超過三十個以上的國際影展合作,在影展中設立最佳亞洲電影奈派克獎。二○○七年起,為鼓勵亞洲新銳導演,金馬影展增設奈派克獎,舉凡當屆入選的亞洲新銳導演之長片作品,皆有機會入圍並角逐首獎。
Network for Promotion of Asian Cinema (NETPAC) is an international organization established in 1990 to promote Asian cinema. It has collaborated with over thirty international film festivals to present NETPAC Award in recognition of best Asian film. Starting from 2007, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival has added NETPAC Award to encourage emerging Asian director; selected feature films by Asian new talent are eligible for this award.
本屆奈派克獎入選影片包括 SELECTED ENTRY:
《擺渡之歌》They Say Nothing Stays the Same
本屆奈派克評審 Jury:
Sam Ho is a curator, researcher, teacher, writer and critic. Based in Hong Kong and the United States, Ho focuses his study on the history of Hong Kong cinema. He had curated film programs as well as given lectures and speeches all over the world.
李富楠,現為新加坡電影協會副主席及節目總監,曾參與過許多新加坡影展的策展規劃,包括與新躍大學聯合籌辦的新加坡華語電影節,亦為電影眼公司的董事總經理及製片。於2019年獲得〈銀幕〉雜誌推選為 全球電影策展人明日之星 之一。
David Lee is the Vice Chairman of the Singapore Film Society, and co-festival director of the annual Singapore Chinese Film Festival. In 2019, David has been profiled by Screen International as one of thirty “Future Leaders of Film Festivals Programmers and Curators” to watch out for.
詹正德,筆名686,台灣資深影評人,曾任職於楊德昌電影工作室,參與拍攝電影《獨立時代》, 前有河book書店店主、友善書業合作社前理事主席、《閱讀的島》前總編輯。著有影評集《看電影的人》,獲2016台北國際書展大獎。
Chan Cheng Te, a senior film critic from Taiwan. He has been working in Edward Yang's Film Studio, for the production of Edward Yang’s A Confucian Confusion. His book A Moviegoer is the collection of his film criticism, which won the 2016 Taipei International Book Exhibition Non-Fiction Award.