Country / Region
Year   |   2021
Format   |   DCP
Color   |   Color
Length   |   110 min
Rating   |   12+
Killing the eunuch KHAN

Thrown back into a dusty 1980s and the height of the Iran/Iraq war, the film is a meditation on the cycles of violence and war and their infectious qualities. The serial killer intends to slaughter so much that the blood spills over the ditches of the city. To reach his target, he designs a plan in which victims kill more victims.


Abed Abest is an architect with a degree in Mahshahr Azad University in Iran. Abest worked as an actor in the theater and started his film career in 2012. His first feature film Simulation premiered at the Berlinale Forum and later at TIFF in 2017. Killing the eunuch KHAN is his second feature film.