Country / Region
Year   |   2021
Format   |   DCP
Color   |   Color
Length   |   110 min
Rating   |   6+
Drifting Petals

The filmmaker first met Jeff in Australia and took him to see "the Walls of China". She sees him again three years later in Hong Kong. The filmmaker goes back to her hometown Macao and meets a teenager who looks so much like her long-lost big brother. The stories of these two people merge as they each search for something that are disappearing in the cities they love.

Clara LAW

Clara Law is a director and writer known for Floating Life, Farewell, China, and Temptation of a Monk. She won the Golden Leopard at Locarno 1992 for Autumn Moon and Best Director at Golden Horse Awards 2021 for Drifting Petals.